Make some money while you walk the dog.

Featured Speaker: Becky Kopitzke

About Becky Kopitzke

Founder, The Inspired Business

Becky Kopitzke is a multi-published author and founder of The Inspired Business, a coaching hub dedicated to helping creative entrepreneurs monetize their passion work in order to keep it sustainable. A veteran blogger, freelance writer, speaker and writing coach, Becky’s sweet spot is in digital product sales funnels, an ideal method for getting paid to grow your audience.

Becky and her husband Chad are building the life they love from home offices in northeast Wisconsin, where they share precious space with their two teen daughters, tables stacked with homework, and two devoted office dogs. Becky is a big fan of matcha lattes, family game night, historical fiction and pretty much anything chocolate.

Three Takeaways from the Interview:
  • We can all be contentpreneurers! 
  • Ideally, a digital product can be marketed through an automated system. 
  • Once it’s up and running smoothly, you can stop trading time for money.

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Becky's Gift

About Becky Kopitzke

Becky Kopitzke is a multi-published author and founder of The Inspired Business, a coaching hub dedicated to helping creative entrepreneurs monetize their passion work in order to keep it sustainable. A veteran blogger, freelance writer, speaker and writing coach, Becky’s sweet spot is in digital product sales funnels, an ideal method for getting paid to grow your audience.

Becky and her husband Chad are building the life they love from home offices in northeast Wisconsin, where they share precious space with their two teen daughters, tables stacked with homework, and two devoted office dogs. Becky is a big fan of matcha lattes, family game night, historical fiction and pretty much anything chocolate.


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