VIP Experience




Money Making Moms! VIP Package:

  • Unlimited access to the Exclusive Interview Recordings of the Money-Making Moms! Summit. Listen now. Listen later. Up to you! Keep the expert advice close with lifetime access to over 8 hours of Live Expert Training! ($199 value) 
  • Q&A zoom session with Michelle Getz, veteran mom, business owner, creative branding designer. ($99 value). Ask your questions and get clear on next steps! 
    • Are you unclear on what your brand should be or even how to develop a brand? 
    • Are you curious about how to make your brand better? 
    • Are you overwhelmed by trying to manage it all?
    • Are you looking for daily solutions to get ahead?
    • Or maybe you have other questions about branding or motherhood. You have the floor. Let’s spend some time on you and your business.


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